Il burqa degli Emirati Arabi

Un viaggio alla scoperta del Medio Oriente attraverso le immagini. Non saprei come altro definire la rubrica che Fatima Abbadi fotografa Italo-Giordana Palestinese nata e cresciuta ad Abu Dhabi inizia oggi. In questa prima puntata ci parla del burqa  tipico degli Emirati Arabi Uniti (il paese dove è nata e cresciuta).

Burqa The Burqa actually represents two items: one, the covering of
the head except for a slit for the eyes; the other item is the
metallic coloured object used to cover part of the face, and these
days is only used by the older generation – this is specific to the

Abaya The long flowing black gown worn by the UAE National Females is
known as the Abaya. Somewhat misunderstood by the west, the abaya is
an elegant piece of attire and used to cover the female clothing.
Abayas range from the plain to those with intricate jewel designs.

Shela The Shela is the piece of material used to loosely cover their
head. This is sometimes black, especially those used to cover the
face. And since the material is very light it is possible for the lady
to see through the material.

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